Changemaker. Flow with the Ease. Seize Opportunity. Trust what Unfolds. Manifest Vision.
Theres a greater plan and it involves You. Surrender attachment. Behind the veil of all coming undone, a new tapestry emerges.
CRASH! The crest of a wave breaks and rolls up the beach.
Prrrrrr.... a rumble of thunder looms in the south-east. Flowers unfurl for the bees, Dogs roll over for a scratch on their bellies.... Ommm, Inspire, sense the dynamic fluidity of Ease. Moving with Ease is a complex yet simple phenomena that occurs in the best of moments. And the more, the better! Co-ordination, Grace, Integration, Stabilized Mobility... From a grounded foundation whether rooted On Earth or In Presence, Movement emerges within the boundaries of limitation. What limits us? Each unique story unfolds in our expression, our psyche and our hearts. Our limitations define us as much as our abilities. To what extent will you explore your abilities? With appreciation and gratitude I accept myself completely. With reverence and respect I honour you. Let us move together. Dancing in the extended moment of presence. Whether the activity is mundane or exquisite, Sensing the inner body, extending, activating, recruiting, with a surrender, an allowing, an integration... Presence, the divine prerequisite, Moving with Ease. To further explore options for Moving with Ease, Let's discuss.... massage therapy, yoga, generative balance workshops call/text (613) 332-7103 Within each of us is an elevated spirit that desires to ascend and be stoic in the present moment. 'Stand as if you are receiving an award', I say to my clients, who are searching for a reason to stand tall within the essence of their presence. Within each of us is a conscious being that wishes to engage intimately and powerfully with both Nature and inanimate beings to create context for meaning.
Humanly, we have both the potential and inherent calling for expression and experience. Rise to your calling. Confront your fears and limiting expectations. Transcend the perceived barriers, transmute resistance with Love. Your Awakened Divine Nature will both guide and serve you. Yet your Inner body need not be experienced as spirit alone. Sense your pelvic floor. The balance of your seated posture. Where can the dome of your respiratory diaphragm gain the most ease and expansion? Find the chamber of your pericardium. The space and the sturdiness. The foundation that blossoms into your throat. The lotus of your intellect. As your mind showers down into your heart, where else do you sense presence? What is that language of your Inner Being? Stop Back Pain in it's Tracks .... with Stability, Strength and Mobility!
Do you have persistent discomfort that affects your daily routine, or perhaps your sleep? Living with pain can demand a lot from us energetically and limit us from doing what we desire, from what we feel we should be able to do. So often, back pain stems from one of three typical scenarios. These are 1. a destabilizing injury such as a strain or sprain, 2. faulty biomechanics such as a postural-rooted imbalance that leaves a certain and significant area vulnerable to strain or sprain, and 3. hypermobility of a joint segment, whether inherent or secondary to an adjacent area of restriction. Lets look at each indivdually. Sometimes we know in the moment that we've gone too far. We can feel the exact moment of injury, the rush of pain, the pending inflammation. For example an ankle sprain, sacroiliac sprain, or the strain of muscular over-exertion. These injuries result in local tissue trauma. A strategic approach to their rehabilitation is important. Stabilize. Strengthen. Mobilize. What posture is to our static positions (sitting, standing, etc...), biomechanics is to our activities. The way our body works as a whole, with integration and dynamic fluidity. Previous injuries, emotional patterns, life experiences and body type all affect the inner tapestry of our alignment, co-ordination, strength, flexibility, and endurance. Once we identify with our patterns and our weaker areas, often the 'core' mechanism, we can strategically stabilize, strengthen and mobilize. Your body type may be naturally flexible. Certain joints may move move easily through their full range and even comfortably beyond. If this describes your body, stabilization can be your orthopaedic medicine. Yet hyper mobility commonly presents even in bodies with typical flexibility. When a certain joint or area is tight, restricted or limited in range of motion, an adjacent area oftentimes compensates by moving More! Yes, this sets a stage for one of the above pain causing incidents to occur. Be proactive and choose to stabilize, strengthen and mobilize. ~~~~~ I know it's hard to figure all this out yourself. Which area needs to mobilize? How to strengthen in the presence of discomfort? How to approach inflammation? There are so many variables and each person has their unique story and presentation. There may be clear indications to have a physicians assessment. I offer three options that can help navigate your particular scenario. Massage Therapy, Yoga and ELDOA are each effective and efficient approaches. Yet one may be more appropriate for you on a given day, time of your life or stage of your rehabilitation. Contact me today to discuss further. I welcome new clients and seek to serve those who want to actively participate in their overall wellbeing. Call or Text (613) 332-7103 |
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