Therapeutic massage treatments offered to relieve acute and chronic conditions involving pain, loss of range of motion, inflammation, and overall stress!
call or text to schedule an appointment:613-332-7103
Specific Area Treatment Claire works firmly and gently, integrating techniques to address the health of joints, fascia and muscular systems, their connections and relationships to improve the resiliency of your body tissues. Blending osteopathic and traditional massage techniques, she can treat a variety of conditions, teach effective, efficient remedial exercises and design a treatment plan, with you, appropriate for your individual needs. Excellent for a range of conditions. Some examples are: low back pain, shoulder and neck pain, strains/sprains, muscle tension/spasm, sports and repetitive use injuries, fibromyalgia, headaches, arthritis/bursitis.
Therapeutic Relaxation Massage Blending the fluidic style of Swedish massage, guided breathing for relaxation and calm music, your massage will ease tired muscles and joints, support circulation, soothe discomforts and leave you feeling renewed integration. Excellent for dealing with stress and stress related conditions, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, etc… Remedial Exercise Instruction Develop your strength, flexibility, stability, mobility, or proprioception. With a grounded understanding of exercise physiology, kinesiology and human biomechanics, Claire can assist your rehabilitation toward less effort/discomfort and greater ease. Specific exercises such as ELDOA, myofascial stretches and proprioception can be taught for you to address a specific injury or mobility/stability imbalance. Postural awareness, breath-work and mindful somatic integration is an integral part of your movement learning.
**Important for New Clients: (*currently not taking in New Clients) *Please arrive 5-10 minutes before your scheduled appointment time to complete the Health History Intake form. Or print it hereand bring it with you completed. *Read, Initial and Sign theInformed Consent form and bring with you. *Review our Privacy Policy here.
accepting cash, etransfer, or debit payment **all fees inc. 13% HST
Cancellation Policy: 12 hours notice to cancel or reschedule your appointment, otherwise $60 fee applies (exceptions made at Claire's discretion)
Extended Health Benefits often include Massage Therapy!
Benefits Of Massage
- Reduced Pain - Reduced Stress - Better sleep/rest - Easier Breathing - Increased Energy Levels - Improved movement, space and flow within the body - Enhanced positive attitude and overall sense of well-being - Improved awareness of self