...align ...stretch ...strengthen ...balance... breathe...
ELDOA ELDOA is a brilliant remedial exercise approach designed by French osteopathic practitioner, Guy Voyer. It is overall complex yet easy to get started with. ELDOA specifically targets spinal segments to create a decompressive action. Learn to create space and strength between your vertebrae. ELDOA works via the myofascial'chains' to auto-normalize body tissues. ELDOA may benefit everyone. Is not only for injured people who are looking to get out of pain. ELDOA may help you remain strong, have a great posture and correct alignment so that you can stay healthy and active for many years to come. ELDOA may help prevent potential injuries, increase your strength and make you feel really good. Read more here MYOFASCIAL STRETCHING (MFS) Fascia is the covering and intrinsic connective framework of a tissue and gives it shape and structural integrity. Fascia is the LINK between all parts of the body, making the body a global structure. Fascia has mechanical, fluidic and energetic qualities. With myofascial stretching (MFS), the goal is not to gain flexibility of a muscle, rather to improve the quality of the movement of the tissues in relation to one another. To gain freedom at the level of the articulation. MFS is elongation of a muscle within its fascial chain MFS plays an important role in the formation of posture and the dynamics of biomechanics. Kinaesthetic information is carried in the fascia! Every class is different yet we always focus on foundations (proprioception and awareness) with an eye on achievable somatic integration. What an adventure! Call/text (613) 332-7103 or email [email protected] to register or for more info. www.GenerativeBalance.ca |